Friday, October 30, 2009


Just testing this out.

Find me on Polyvore

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Back Baby

WOOT! My laptop is fixed and so far working well. Other then some of the keys seeming a bit stiff it's all good. So far. I be happy. Am now off to check other things.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just letting you know.

So I just thought I'd write and say I am still around. The reason I having been posting or anything is because I don't have a camera or a laptop any more. Very sucky. Hopefully I'll at least have my laptop back soon. I'm so sick of not having it. Also, I've been working very hard on my studies. I'm close to finishing. Only two modules left.
Very glad about that.

Good news, I've finished 'In the Garden'
I'm really happy with it. I've also finished another picture, but I'm yet to name it. So when I'm back I'll be posting them all up. Cannot wait.

And now I'm off to do more work.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I'm falling in love with charcoal.
I was given a packet of charcoal pencils for Christmas and until now I hadn't really given them much thought. I've played around with them, but nothing really serious.
Over the last couple days I decided I wanted to do a picture that I'd been planning for ages and ages. But I needed the right medium. I also decided that I'd give my charcoal a go and see how it went. And, as I'm sure you can tell, it went rather well.
They are just brilliant for shading. Something I love to do with my graphite pencils. Making the folds, the light and shade. Love 'em. Next week I shall upload a picture of what I drew.
For now, I shall continue practicing with them. And I'm sure you'll see more done with them in the near future.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Ok, so at the moment I'm not able to upload pictures. Really happy about it, but there's nothing I can do about it. A total pain in the ass.
I'm getting close to finishing “In the Garden.” I'm pretty happy with it. Though of course there are a couple little things that I'm going to redo.
I've started working of a bunch of other things as well. I've found in the last few weeks that I really can draw males and male clothing. -big smile- I've always been rather hesitant to draw the male gender, But no longer. -hehe- Happy.
I'm also working on some older pictures which I'm yet to finish because I was either to lazy or I lost the inspiration for it or just got to a point where I didn't know what do to next to finish it.
I've been making thing too. Sewing and beading. It's fun. I have these random bursts where I'll suddenly have about 20 different ideas for pieces of jewellery crowding my brain. It's annoying when that happens. Still I can usually get through them. When I can upload again I'll put a few things up.
Something a little out of the ordinary for me is that I've been sewing. I've made a little white dress with red lace on the bottom and a sash that you can, but don't have to, wear. I love it. It can be worn as a dress or top. Very simple, but nice.
And now, I'm going to go and study a bit..... or do some more art, which ever is the closest thing to me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I've decided it's time for me to upload some new pictures of my art. I did these back in 2007. I used an HB pencil and cannot remember how long it took for me to do them. I use my hand and my eldest sisters hand as references for these pictures. To this day I still like looking at them because I don't like drawing hands and I was able to produce these pictures.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bored as all get out. 2

Ok. So I did have two links that were meant to come up in that last post, but as you can see it didn't work. So I thought i'd just enter them.
If you copy and paste the first one into google it's the first link, then scroll down to popular and click on Watermelon Art it's very cool.

Like wise with this link. Click on the first link. Just go through the picures. There are some studding photos.

I hope you have a look and enjoy them as much as I did.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bored as all get out.

So, I was VERY bored last night while playing around on a website called 'Polyvore' (good time waster). I was looking for certain pictures to add to the set I was making and I came across these two sites. I thought they looked pretty good and when actually went to the site I was glad I did.

The first site has some pretty cool photos on it. You have to look at the watermelon art. I know, totally random. I saw it and though what in the world.... Then I looked at it. It's sooooo freaking cool.
The second site has some of the most beautiful, not to mention, breath taking photos I've seen. Definitely worth looking at.

Any ways, As bored as I might still be I have to get on with life. Study time. (blah)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Quick Up-date

I'm pretty much better now, but I probably wont start working on any projects till next week. I've had the last week off so, I've got alot of study to catch up on.
And now, since I didn't have very much sleep last night and GNW is on I'm going to go and relax.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well, here it is at last. The colouring on "In the Garden" has begun. I can say that so far i'm pleasantly surprised by how it's going. And really enjoying it. Despite all my coloured pencils, I don't often colour my pictures. At least not my larger ones. This one nearly turned out as a graphite picture by accident.

Any ways, The colour are far more vibrant then what the photos show. And there is more detail in the shading. Also I decided to keep it on the simple side since I was colouring it and the composition wasn't allowing me to put anything in front on the gate.
At the moment i'm not well, so I wont be likely to work on it very much. But i'll do what I can.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shadow Wolf

I have recently been inspired to do a piece called "Shadow Wolf"
I can't wait to get started. I'm going to do more of "In the Garden" first then I'll start on "Shadow Wolf." I've got the whole picture worked out in my head so it's just a matter of putting it onto paper. I thinkn it will be one I work on over a few months. I really want to get it right and make it good. I shall tell you more about it when I start doing sketches.

WIP: "In the Garden" is coming along very slowly. I've had to change the backround a few times. But I think i've figured something out that i'm happy with.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Using Perspective

I was thinking about what to write in my next (meaning this one) blog post. I decided to post a few links on perspective that i've found useful. Perspective is, of course, drawing to a vanishing point or leading the eye. It's what gives a picture depth.

So, without further adieu here they are:

The first link deals with single point perspective. It's very basic.
The second link deals with 1, 2 and 3 point perspective. I found it very easy to follow and very useful.
The third link is an interactive site that has six different scenes for you to play around with.
The final link is very comprehensive. It deals not only with 1, 2 and 3 point perspective, but also eye level and horizons.

Hope they prove useful to you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Forest Stream

This is a picture I drew a few years ago. I have to admit I was rather surprised at how good it is. I may consider re-drawing it, but to be honest I really like it so I probably wont. For this drawing I used HB, 2B and 6B. If I remember correctly I worked on it for no more then a week.

(quick up-date) "In the Garden" I still haven't decided what I'm going to do with this one. It's going to be a garden theme, I just have to figure out composition and such. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Artistic Boredom

So, this is what happens when you're bored and have nothing to do.
The cake was made, by my mum, for my nephew and step-dads birthday party. They have the same birthday. For those of you that don't see it I made the Smarties spiral.
Yeah, I was totally bored. lol. It was a yummy cake. But a pain to cut it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fishy Fishy

hehe. I never get sick of saying, "Fishy Fishy." It always makes me smile.
Any way, This is my “Singing Fish with Toothpaste.” I did this one a few months ago.
I was very bored one night and couldn't think of something to draw. So I messaged a very good friend of mine and asked him what I should draw. First he replied, “A naked pine nut.” I thought about it and tried some quick sketches. It didn't work. I sent another message to him and he replied, “A singing fish with toothpaste.” I thought about it, then did some random basic drawings and came up with this.
I have called it “The Vision” That is why there is no reflection or shadow from the fish.
I'm rather proud of this picture. I used my graphite pencils. (LOVE those pencils). When I actually got around to it, it took about a week or two to complete. Mainly cause I was only able to work on it at night before bed. It's an A4 size picture. I totally love it.
So this is it. “The Vision”
Dedicated to Matt Seychell. xox

Sunday, May 10, 2009


So, I thought it was now time to blog a piece of art work the i'm actually working on.
This is the basic idea for it.

And this is the beginning for it.

I'm thinking of calling it, "In the Garden"
I'm also planning to change the wings. Will see what happens. I'm using graphite pencils and I plan to colour it. This is just one of those pictures that I wont be happy with till i've put some colour into it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Colours of the... Mini Easter Egg Wrappers?

Yep. That's right. Mini egg wrappers. For a couple years now i've been collecting them. I fold them over a few times (colour side showing) and put them in a bag. (yeah, i'm so not lame) Sadly, by accident I got rid of a good lot of them. But I started again. Why? you ask... “Because of the colours.” I love the colours. They are bright. And they remind me of the sky and forest. And most importantly, inspire me. There have been quiet a few pictures that have been inspired by them. This is one of them: The Butterflies.

I started it one Easter. It took a couple weeks to complete. For this I wanted to do something that reflected the colours but also a sunset. (the colours are deffinately stronger in life then photo). And this, my friends, is why I began keeping them.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Beginning

So, I've been trying to think of what I should write in my first blog post. Not such an easy thing for me. Honestly I've never been that good at it. At least the first part. Then I finally realized I should introduce myself a bit.
I'm Ash, recently turned 21, and I'm a student/teacher. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. Over the last couple years I started to really take it up. Looking up books at the library, googling tutorials, buying sketch pads. I took up and art course through my school and bought myself a couple books and started to really learn about it. I love art. I've always been a creative person and it's one of my main outlets.
I mostly use graphite pencils and acrylic paints, but also I've been known to use water colour, water colour pencils -love them- and charcoal. I've always got a heap of art works in progress. So i'm never without something to work on.